
Friday, December 24, 2010

Latest Gossip About Steve Harvey on 12/24/2010

"I can't see myself giving anything Steve Harvey has to say a second thought. As mentioned, he is once divorced. Its the equivalent of Star Jones trying to give her relationship advice. You're trying to give advice when your situation ......"

"Either way, this post – for me – is positively laced with the thought of Steve Harvey sex and that's just too much for me to fathom on a Monday morning. It's like waking up next to a smiling Paris Hilton, a half-drunk glass of Alka ......"

"It sure feels good to be at the top of your game. That's certainly the way comedian Steve Harvey has to feel after hearing the news...."

"Steve and his countrified azz get on my last nerve, can't stand looking at him. He just look like he lies. And Mrs. Harvey for petes sake you not no coco chanel is all that necessary to go shopping. She look like some women I know want ......"

"Do you agree with Steve? Is it impossible for a male to have a true female friend? Now I wasn't the biggest Steve Harvey fan after his previous book seemed to just spew common sense at women and expected them to literally buy into. ......"

"Actor and comedian Steve Harvey is once again covering Essence magazine. In the January issue, the host of his own nationally-syndicated daily radio talk show, "The Steve Harvey Morning Show," and newly-minted relationship guru is ......"

"Also Steve Harvey and wife doing some Christmas shopping but in Aspen. Steve Harvey was recently on CNN promoting his new book "Straight Talk, No Chaser". Below is a video of Steve Harvey thoughts on men and women being just friends. ......"

"Black America's faux relationship expert, and the latest cover boy of Essence magazine, made a recent appearance on CNN and officially declared platonic...."

"Steve Harvey has morphed from a King of Comedy into a relationship guru but are you buying his advice? First he told women to Act Like a Lady, Think...."

"Just because a guy would hit if givien the opportunity makes him not a friend? There are some females I'm cool with that i never tried to holler at, but if...."

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