
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Latest Gossip About Conan OBrien on 12/11/2010

"Conan Obrien, TBS Conan will be guest on,"Larry King Live" on Monday, December 13, 2010. This should be a good interview...."

"Just when we thought Conan O'Brien's wicked humor may have been neutered by the stiff celebrity showcase that is The Tonight Show, the flame-haired host goes and dons jeggings -- yes, those scary leggings with drawn-on jeans pockets and ......"

"We take a look at the latest ratings for Jay Leno's Tonight Show compared to Conan's Tonight Show last year, and Conan's TBS Show...."

"Guard your eyes, Tim Gunn! Conan O'Brien has sported your biggest fashion faux pas: jeggings!..."

"Previously, Conan declared he'd wear "jeggings" (a jean-legging hybrid mainly worn by ladies) on-air. Last night, he proclaimed "if I say I'm gonna do something, I do it!" and proceeded to deliver his monologue while wearing ......"

"Were not entirely sure why this matters but either way the distinction puts the brand right alongside Glee Conan OBrien and the iPad not. Come Game With The KingzKonsole Kingz x Ciroc x New Era Event Spike TVs Video Game Awards Xbox. ......"

"So long, Coco. In Conan O'Brien's final comments to viewers tonight, the comedian thanked his fans for their support and — despite a protra......"

"Conan O'Brien Giving Away 20 Chevy Cruzes-KickingTiresConan O'Brien Giving Away 20 Chevy Cruzes Latest till late night show with Conan O'Brien on TBS were...."

"12/10/10 - Conan OBrien Visits New Corporate Brethren at DC Comics. With media mergers and conglomerates you get some strange pairings and some fun bedfellows. This one seems to be the latter. This video documents Conan's visit to DC ......"

"While the WikiLeaks saga brings about it a lengthy debate about the thin line between transparency and ruining the privacy necessary to run a government, it's also a comedy gold mine. I mean, how often are public figures routinely ......"

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