
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Latest Gossip About George Clooney on 12/7/2010

"Uh-oh! Drama! George Clooney is reportedly ready to take the directorial reigns once again and adapt the smash British play Enron into a feature film, but the original team behind the stage version,......"

"There's only one month left. It's frighteningly late, but not too late, to stop the next round of bloodshed in Sudan before it starts...."

"This week George Clooney continued to demonstrate his interest in adapting theatre for film by buying out the successful British stage production Enron. This satire, which tells the rise and fall of the energy giant, was developed for ......"

"Africa's next deadly war does not have to happen. In little over a month, the people of Southern Sudan will vote for independence, taking with them up to...."

"After a recent visit to Sudan, George Clooney has released a video to raise awareness of the situation in Africa's largest nation in terms of area, in the hopes of heading off a civil war. "We were late to the......"

"The latest movie news, movie trailers, interviews, rumors, hype, and everything related to the theatrical experience straight from Hollywood and beyond...."

"'The American' George Clooney is looking to outline the downfall of Enron and bring it to the big screen, possibly marking one of the most...."

"George Clooney has planned to turned West End's "Enron" stage into a movie, The Observer reports. The site additionally says the American actor/filmmaker will make the big screen adaptation without hiring the original director and cast ......"

"George Clooney causes controversy as he ditches the original cast of the 'Enron' stage play while preparing to convert the production into a movie...."

"Enron -- the semi-musical, not the company -- was a hit in London's West End and a failure on......"

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