
Friday, December 17, 2010

Latest Gossip About Robert Pattinson on 12/17/2010

" For the funniest & most entertaining news, reviews and interviews by leading industry insiders on movies, tv shows and dvds...."

"Veterinary school student Jacob (Robert Pattinson) meets and falls in love with Marlena (Reese Witherspoon), a star performer in a circus of a bygone era. :). Spread the news -->. December 17, 2010 tags: Water for Elephants ......"

"It's time to put away the werewolves, troublesome love scenarios and blunt-toothed vampirism and get our next taste of Robert Pattinson on the big s...."

"Here's the first official high definition movie trailer for the upcoming movie trailer for the film Water for Elephants by director Francis Lawrence (I Am...."

"In how many ways does Robert Pattinson smolder? Let us count... RPattz smolders the subway, looking out a dirty window, in a tux, in a vest, he even smolders in that "New Moon" scene when he walks out into the sun and you can see his ......"

"We're still anxiously awaiting the full Water for Elephants trailer, which is coming later this evening, but here's the full teaser shown on Entertainment Tonight. It was so exciting to get a glimpse of Robert Pattinson, ......"

"Robert Pattinson falls for Reese Witherspoon! Kristen who? Don't worry Twilight fans, that's only in their new movie Water for Elephants. Scroll down to...."

"Last night we got a glimpse of Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon's chemistry in the first Water for Elephants trailer. Now take a closer look at Reese's gorgeous costumes, Rob's sexy lips, and the building tension he has with ......"

"Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn's Robert Pattinson is backing Wagner to win The X Factor?! ROBERT Pattinson might be in the middle of filming The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, but he still makes time to tune into The X Factor 2010. ......"

"Does Robert Pattinson Have Better Chemistry With Reese Witherspoon Than Kristen Stewart? The official Water For Elephants trailer has been released, and from the looks of it, this movie is going to be a huge hit...."

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