
Friday, December 31, 2010

Latest Gossip About Robert Pattinson on 12/31/2010

"December 30, 2010: Hollywood heartthrob Robert Pattinson will reportedly make use of a body double to keep himself safe and ......"

"British OK! says Robert Pattinson is hiring a body double to act as a decoy so he can hang out with Kristen Stewart. We're told he's not hiring a decoy...."

"Entertainment Weekly got their hands on these new movie stills from the upcoming film Water for Elephants by director Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend,..."

"Watch the new Robert Pattinson Water for Elephants extended trailer video! Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon star in Water for Elephants. Hot!..."

"ROBERT Pattinson wants to hire a body double. The Twilight Saga actor is planning to step up his security after being bombarded by saucy mail from female...."

"2 Responses sur "Robert Pattinson The Elephant Lover". chris. December 31, 2010 at 2:19 am. The release date for Water For Elephants changed. It is now April 22, 2011. They pushed it back to Easter weekend. Reply. Teaser Trailer ......"

"Robert Pattinson spotted in Tuxedo getting friendly with huge elephant. According to, this is a new photo from Entertainment Weekly,featuring Twilight Saga leading man Robert Pattinson. As you can see, ......"

"Robert Pattinson portrays an animal lover in "Water for Elephants" and it has been highlighted in some new pictures from the film. The depicter of veterinarian Jacob is seen lying on an elephant called Rosie in one image, while another ......"

"Robert Pattinson wants a body double – if he's single, can we have him please? WE don't think this world should be restricted to just one Robert Pattinson, so we're pleased to hear that R-Pattz is on the lookout for a look-a-like. ......"

"Robert Pattinson is E!'s Celeb of the Year 2010: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had a close race, but in the end Pattinson was the Celeb of the Year winner...."

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