
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Latest Gossip About Kim Kardashian on 12/18/2010

""I've made a promise to myself and I'm really trying hard to stick to it," she tells Rachael Ray...."

"Kim Kardashian's slew of famous flames has led to countless magazine covers in the past, but in the new year, the reality diva is giving...."

"Every year the whole family gets together to take pics for our family Christmas card. This year was extra special because we had a new addition to the family... little Mason! We went super glam this year and each went for our own look...."

"Kim Kardashian has sworn off dating. Casual sex and photo ops? Come on, let's not go crazy, people!..."

"While she may look hot, Kim Kardashian froze her you-know-what off at a recent photo shoot in New York. The reality star's friend filmed her......"

"Kim Kardashian has been really disappointing considering she started things off with a sex tape. She'll wear a bikini every now and then or a tight 2010122012...."

"Essentially making this photo the ass equivalent of wax fruit you could sit on, Kim Kardashian told Ryan Seacrest she wants to remain single for an entire year,..."

"Kim Kardashian had everyone talking when she was spotted hanging out with Kanye West in New York last month. Kardashian's face time with the rap superstar was documented for the upcoming E!..."

"Kim Kardashian is celibate! The reality star recently told Ryan Seacrest that she wants to remain single for an entire year. Kim revealed, "I've made a promise to myself and I'm really trying hard to stick to it, but I'm......"

"A new Kim Kardashian billboard has been unveiled next to the famous Chateau Marmont in Hollywood advertising her new fragrance named "Voluptuous." You can say that again!..."

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