
Monday, December 6, 2010

Latest Gossip About Angelina Jolie on 12/6/2010

"Chelsea Handler hates Angelina Jolie. Chelsea after spending Thanksgiving with her BFF Jennifer Aniston in Mexico, the tart-tongued comedian didn't hide her...."

"We can't even print the words Chelsea Handler utters about Angelina Jolie in this video. It's safe to say the comedian is not a fan of the actress...."

"Unlike Chelsea Handler, we LOVE Angelina! In celebration of all things her... CLICK HERE for an awesome photo gallery of hot momma Jolie through the years!!! CLICK HERE for an awesome photo......"

"You know, I'm not sure if that live-action Sleeping Beauty reboot is actually happening -- the one that they're always saying Tim Burton is doing with Angelina...."

"Chelsea Handler has proven to be a loyal friend of Jennifer Aniston. Appearing for a stand-up routine in Newark, NJ on Friday, December 3, the comedienne risked her reputation by slamming Angelina Jolie who was infamously accused of ......"

"Angelina Jolie wants to move to Africa in the future...."

"Celebrity supercouples Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis became a dream dinner quartet on the set of "The Tourist" in Venice, Italy - when their kids bonded over video games. Jolie and Depp teamed up for ......"

"Angelina Jolie is trying to raise her children as "individuals". The 'Tourist' actress - who raises Maddox, nine, Pax, seven, Zahara, five, Shiloh, four, and two-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne with partner Brad Pitt - said she wants ......"

"ANGELINA Jolie wants to move to Africa in the future. The Tourist star -- who raises six children, Maddox, nine, Pax, seven, Zahara, five, Shiloh, four, and...."

"During Chelsea Handler's Friday night show in New Jersey the comedienne accused Angelina Jolie of using her children to manipulate her public image and said the reason she has no female friends is because she is a "f—ing c—." ......"

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