
Friday, October 1, 2010

Latest Gossip About Kyle Massey on 10/1/2010

"Kyle Massey surprised everyone twice during the first week of Dancing With the Stars Season 11. The first surprise came on the dance floor and the second during the results show. Kyle Massey is best known as the star of various Disney ......"

"Kyle Massey, one of my favs on this season's Dancing With The Stars, was spotted with the popular 'Champagne' Couture Pop, a special-edition Sugar Factory Couture pop designed by Kim Kardashian. (This one must be delish! ......"

"Few humans apparently accepted amateur Kyle Massey to hit the attic on the Dancing with the Stars premiere with as abundant dizzying activity as he di......"

"The eleven remaining celebrity dancers and their professional dance partners had to perform with passion and show off some serious skills on the dance floor...."

"Last week the biggest surprise on Dancing With the Stars was Kyle Massey. He was kind of a dark horse that nobody knew much about, but he came out with guns blazing and lit up the dance floor. Kyle Massey got one of the highest scores ......"

"Kyle Massey and Lacey Schwimmer dance the Quickstep on Dancing with the Stars. Yay! Video here:..."

"Kyle Massey tackled the quickstep tonight on Dancing With The Stars...."

"Kyle Massey & Lacey Schwimmer Are Clearly Alot Of Fun! Posted Thursday, September 30, 2010 by PukeMeister. Kyle Massey and DWTS partner Lacey Schwimmer took time out after practice to have a little fun with the cameras! ......"

"Us Magazine'Dancing with the Stars': Florence Henderson talks Bruno, Kyle Massey dietExaminer.comAs for Kyle Massey, he was asked if he is keeping up...."

"Video: Kyle Massey Two Steps Into A Dancing Favorite. September 29th, 2010. Kyle Massey is an underdog on Dancing with The Stars but if he keeps it up, he will be a favorite in no time. Kyle and Lacey Schwimmer looked great! ......"

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