
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Latest Gossip About Oprah Winfrey on 10/7/2010

"Imagine this ... Oprah Winfrey the most powerful person in the history of television -- and now the tool of one Oksana Grigorieva ... who is using the…..."

"What can Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Springer teach you about creating a powerful brand identity for your music and yourself as...."

"Pages posting aboutThe man Oprah Winfrey missed till date in"

"ROSIE O'Donnell is a little scared of her new boss Oprah Winfrey -- insiders say. The comedienne has landed her own show on the billionaire media mogul's...."

"My idea of heaven is a great big baked potato and someone to share it with. (c) Oprah Winfrey...."

"London, Oct 3 (ANI): Talk show titan Oprah Winfrey has revealed that she had almost dropped plans to launch her ......"

"We can't believe that David Letterman and Oprah Winfrey's 16-year feud was caused by him making her pay his lunch bill. So what is behind their...."

"Please visit us: *The Most Important News: *Survival: *Why God?:..."

"Guilty pleasure alert - yes, I raced home after work yesterday to watch Martha Stewart show Oprah Winfrey how to use a craft punch. Was I insanely jealous of all the goodies the audience members got? Oh, yeah. Did......"

"The Forbes list of the world's most powerful women includes Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga, Beyonce Knowles and Ellen DeGeneres, all of whom apparently wield more power than the woman who is second in line for U.S. president. Continued here: ......"

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