
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Latest Gossip About Justin Bieber on 10/5/2010

"Further proof that no creature is safe from pop singer's rabid celebrity...."

"Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber are both approaching a major milestone of the new music industry: one billion all-time YouTube views...."

"Selena Gomez was on the BBC program The 5:19 Show when she was asked about her best friend, Justin Bieber. "He's a dork," the Round & Round singer joked. Ouch!..."

"Justin Bieber threw on his finest yarmulke and went to the wedding of his musical director in Toronto over the weekend. Oy, he looks so skinny. He should…..."

"Justin Bieber attended the wedding of his musical director/guitar player Dan Kanter to fashionista Yael Latner...."

"Teenagers at weddings are a special thing - they usually aren't the ones getting married, and they aren't cute or tiny enough to be flower girls or ring bearers, so they just kinda sit the...."

"Justin Bieber got all spiffy for a wedding. Don't worry. It wasn't his own: theFABlife; Rihanna shopped til she dropped with a few fans at TopShop: Rihanna Daily; Yee-Ho ho ho! Lady Antebellum are releasing a Christmas EP! ......"

"In the war of videos, the new frontier is YouTube. Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber are currently fighting to reach one billion YouTube all time views. David Birch, communications director at TubeMogul said "Lady Gaga should pass one billion ......"

"By the end of the month, teen pop sensation Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga, music's outre It Girl of the hour, could be the first artists to reach a billion...."

"We're not sure what Miley Cyrus is making per concert these days, but in a new poll, it's being reported that Justin Bieber brings in a whopping $300000 per show, making him the highest paid teen performer. Bieber reportedly demands ......"

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