
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Latest Gossip About George Clooney on 10/19/2010

"George Clooney has had his share of the silly (that's often the most popular and safest), but he's also been fighting a lonely battle in long troubled-Sudan in general and Dafur province in particular, where it's serious, ......"

"This post originally appeared on's Human Right blog. From Secretary Clinton, to the Director of National Intelligence, to President Obama, everyone is saying that Sudan is at-risk of becoming one of the world's bloodiest ......"

"George Clooney extremely tries to warn the US public for a possible genocide in Sudan to save lives. For 90 days we will again be confronted with a disaster...."

" George Clooney has always worked hard to raise awareness of various tragedies and now he's using his writing to do this some...."

"George Clooney ha escrito un editorial para el Washington Post, en los que los políticos estadounidenses advirtieron sobre el peligro de desencadenar una nueva guerra civil en Sudán...."

"George Clooney: A Very Different American blog. The American seals Clooney's reputation as the type of artistically adventurous movie star that Hollywood hasn't seen in some time...."

"He's already met with President Obama and been interviewed on CNN by Larry King, now George Clooney has taken his campaign against "the next Darfur" to the Op-Ed pages of The Washington Post. PHOTOS: George Clooney's Glamour Shots...."

"George Clooney and gal pal Elisabetta Canalis made television appearances recently — George in the United States and Elisabetta in her native Italy. George looked as hot as always but Elisabetta stunned viewers in a shocking red dress...."

"George Clooney has penned an article for the Washington Post in a bid to raise further awareness about the potential of a Civil War in the Sudan...."

"Here on PopEater, we're prone to escaping the temptation to take life too seriously. But we can't help noticing that George Clooney is taking certain...."

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