
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Latest Gossip About Justin Bieber on 10/19/2010

"Reports have been circulating that Justin Bieber was kicked out of a laser tag arcade in Canada after he allegedly punched a 12-year-old boy. The pop singing 201010...."

"It's not bubblegum kiddie stuff, Ne-Yo says of the songs he's writing with teen pop star Justin Bieber...."

"Justin Bieber was the subject of a police investigation this weekend after he was accused of assaulting a 12-year-old boy at a laser tag facility in R......"

"Justin Bieber was on the receiving end of the kind of hate-filled bullying that has made headlines recently --- during a laser tag match Friday night, he…..."

""There was an exchange of words and pushing," an observer tells Us of the talked-about incident...."

"Pop sensation Justin Bieber was driven to tears after failing his driving theory test. The 16 year old was fuming after flunking the written exam, and refused to get in a car with his mom - walki......"

"Don't pretend this story didn't need more sensationalism. Somehow Justin Bieber getting in a tiff with a kid while playing laser tag over the weekend has...."

"Was Justin Bieber bullied during a laser tag game on Friday? Did he retaliate by hitting and/or pushing the alleged ruffian to the ground, spurring...."

"Justin Bieber will take a stand against bullying and homophobia after he was on the receiving end of some hateful words this weekend ... TMZ has learned.…..."

"Justin Bieber has been caught up in an assault investigation in his native Canada after allegedly attacking a 12 year old in a Laser tag venue. Officials at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have ......"

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