
Monday, October 18, 2010

Latest Gossip About Brittany Murphy on 10/18/2010

"Don't Say a Word - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Courage of Lassie Don't Say a Word is a 2001 psychological thriller film starring Michael Douglas, Sean Bean and Brittany Murphy based on the novel of the same title by Plot - Cast ......"

"Britney Murphy, 32, was found dead in her Los Angeles home today (Dec. 20) of apparent cardiac arrest. Police are investigating what could be drug overdose...."

"Brittany Murphy husband Simon Monjack is trying to set the record straight -- from his perspective -- on rumors surrounding his wife's death, calling them crazy...."

"Brittany Murphy's husband Simon Monjack is still trying to come up with a reason for the actress's death -- other than him, of course...."

"Brittany Murphy's had several projects under way when she died suddenly of cardiac arrest, raising the question over whether stress from her heavy workload played a role in her death...."

"Brittany Murphy's sudden death from cardiac arrest was --as long suspected -- related to a drugs...."

"The body of actress Brittany Murphy underwent an autopsy today as medical examiners in Los Angeles stepped up their efforts to find the cause of her tragic death...."

"Brittany Murphy's death from pneumonia and drug intoxication surprised just about no one, except her husband Simon Monjack,..."

"In Brittany Murphy's frantic 911 call, the sound of panic is evident as mother Sharon Murphy tearfully tells the dispatcher her daughter is not breathing...."

"Actress Brittany Murphy repeatedly denied ever taking illegal drugs and said she couldn't even take an over-the-counter cold remedy like Sudafed, because it would make her "heart explode." Yet rumors persist that drugs caused her ......"

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