
Friday, March 4, 2011

Latest Gossip About Steve Harvey on 3/4/2011

"Comedian Steve Harvey stunned his ex-wife this Valentine's Day by sending her a court summons concealed in a box of chocolates, according to a report. The funnyman took out an injunction against ......"

"Steve Harvey let bygones be bygones with his ex-wife this Valentine's Day -- sending her the most ROMANTIC gift in the history of the universe ... a gag order concealed inside a box of chocolates...."

"The "King of Comedy" Steve Harvey still has jokes for Mary Harvey. He sent his ex-wife a box of chocolates for Valentine's day...and when she opened it she discovered a gag order "reminder" inside. Get the deets of the Harvey gift box ......"

"In cold-blooded brother news, Steve Harvey sent his ex-wife Mary Harvey a Valentine's Day gift...."

"Steve Harvey's ex-wife, Mary Lee Harvey is claiming the he sent her a court order inside a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day...."

"Steve Harvey let bygones be bygones with his ex-wife this Valentine's Day -- sending her the most ROMANTIC gift in the history of the universe ... a gag…..."

"Comedian Steve Harvey decided to put his sense of humor to use last month and send his ex-wife a Valentine's Day present. Mary Lee Harvey said that the...."

"Super-star and DDA host Steve Harvey kicks off the festivities leading the Dream Come True parade down Main Street USA at the Magic Kingdom. Dreamers line up along the famous parade path for their first glimpse of the radio show host ......"

"HipHopWired is the online authority on Hip-Hop music, culture, and politics. It is the fastest growing Hip-Hop movement online featuring well-written editorials, new music, videos, and an engaged social networking community...."

"This was a woman who husband, was cheating and lying to her. he still should have made sure that his son has a relatioship with his mother. there is no excuse.he needs to stop all this court mess. Man up Steve Harvey. ......"

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