
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Latest Gossip About George Clooney on 3/1/2011

"In unpublished excerpts from Newsweek's cover story, the actor talks to John Avlon about his first trip to Sudan, the inflated partisan divide over the crisis, and Sean Penn's Haiti work...."

"A couple weeks ago we tweeted that we had heard Ides of March would be shooting in NYC after wrapping in Cincinnati and Detroit, but didn't have too many details until now. Apparently, director and star George Clooney will only...."

"Lindsay's Lohan's past, George Clooney's future and Charlie Sheen's present girlfriends leave us feeling a little, well, tense...."

"Barack Obama is President, and didn´t he admit to smoking pot in his past? Guess George Clooney must have done even more than marijuana, because he says he couldn´t run for office due to......"

"George Clooney's girlfriend is planning "the party of the century" to celebrate his 50th birthday...."

"The Clooney's visit the set of 'The Ides Of March' starring Evan Rachel Wood and Ryan Gosling, where they happily meet and greet!..."

""I did it all," admits the heartthrob. "I drank the bong water!"..."

"George Clooney, who is sublimating his celebrity status to help Sudan, says he's no saint when it comes to running for office. George Clooney says he had slept with too many women and did too many drugs, but he still knows he can use ......"

"Marrying George Clooney: Confessions from a Midlife Crisis. Marrying George Clooney. 3:00 a.m. Musings from a Midlife Crisis. About this Entry. WTF? was posted on February 28th, 2011 at 7.39pm and is filed under Uncategorized. ......"

"George Clooney landed the cover of Newsweek magazine, where he talks in-depth about his philanthropic work in the Sudan. The actor has been vocal about......"

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