
Friday, March 4, 2011

Latest Gossip About Robert Pattinson on 3/4/2011

"A couple of weeks ago, Robert Pattinson's epic Details cover profile came out, and the world learned that Sparkles is a vagina-H8TER. That one quote - "I really hate vaginas. I'm allergic to vagina" - will likely follow Sparkles to his ......"

"The brand-new Water For Elephants trailer is just minutes away, and here's a sneak peek from Access Hollywood. Get behind the scenes to see Reese Witherspoon asking Robert Pattinson to dance and more of their hot chemistry...."

"Here's another trailer for the Robert Pattinson / Reese Witherspoon romantic period drama Water For Elephants. In the trailer, we see that Pattinson's parents both die suddenly, so naturally my first reaction was, "does he become a ......"

"Robert Pattinson called Ryan Seacrest's radio show this morning - listen online interview audio - March 3, 2011...."

"Amazon has exclusively debuted a new trailer for "Water for Elephants" on March 3. It has new scenes showing Robert Pattinson's Jacob who receives a bad news about his parents' death during his exam and how he ends up working with a ......"

"After reading Robert Pattinson's rather depressing view on his celebrity life in Vanity Fair, we're really glad to hear he was able to do something relatively 201103...."

"Even though Robert Pattinson has been hard at working filming the upcoming drama Water for Elephants and the fourth Twilight installment, (Breaking Dawn,..."

"Listen to the Robert Pattinson Ryan Seacrest interview... were there any Breaking Dawn spoilers revealed? Robert Pattinson sounds dreamy, as always...."

"We're a lot more excited for the movie now that we know how well Pattinson got along with his elephant co-star. More elephant!..."

"Last Night Line-Up has recently reportedly confirmed Robert Pattinson upcoming guest appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" on Friday,..."

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