
Friday, March 18, 2011

Latest Gossip About Sandra Bullock on 3/18/2011

"Sandra Bullock is once again showing her generosity in the face of a natural disaster...."

"Sandra Bullock is putting her highest-paid actress status to good use. On Thursday, the American Red Cross...."

"Miss Congeniality star Sandra Bullock carried her 1-year-old son Louis on the set of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close in Brooklyn on Thursday (March 17). The adorable tot was later seen with the nanny while mom was busy shooting her ......"

"It's the largest celebrity donation yet in the wake of the nation's tsunami and earthquake...."

"Charitable Sandra Bullock donated $1 million to support disaster relief in Japan...."

"Yet another reason why we absolutely LOVE her! Sandra Bullock has donated $1 million to the Red Cross to support Japan!!! Here´s what the Red Cross had to say about this wonderful gesture in......"

"In Touch claims that Sandra Bullock and Jennifer Aniston have recently formed a bond over their mutual single status. The story is totally hogwash...."

""The American Red Cross is extremely grateful for this generous support from Sandra Bullock and her family," the organization said in a statement. "This contribution is vitally important as the Red Cross works to provide critical ......"

"Sandra Bullock is no stranger to giving millions to those in need; she donated $1000000 to charities after 9/11, after the Indonesian Tsunami, after 2011031000000...."

"It's the largest donation made by a celebrity yet, the charity says...."

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