
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Latest Gossip About Miley Cyrus on 4/7/2011

"Not only does Miley Cyrus give money to several charities and foundations around the world, but she also isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and do the work herself! In February, the 18-year-old starlet went with her mom to Haiti to ......"

"There have been whispers that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have reunited and now we can confirm it's true! A source close to Miley gives the scoop on what's going down with the reconciled couple and tells us Tish and ......"

"MILEY Cyrus was inspired to rekindle her romance with Liam Hemsworth by her parents' reconciliation. The singer-and-actress -- who initially split from the...."

"There had been a lot of speculation on who Miley Cyrus is dating ever since she mentioned in an interview that she was no longer...."

"After previously quitting Twitter because the lure of posting naked pictures of herself was too great, Miley Cyrus opened a new account on Sunday after being...."

"Just yesterday I was praising Miley Cyrus for quitting Twitter over a year ago and for taking responsibility for the fact that she was using it poorly and wanted to step away. She wasn't sanctimonious about her reasons for no longer ......"

"Miley Cyrus and her little sister Noah were spotted holding hands after lunch in Calabasas yesterday, and the girls wore matching denim shorts and smiled as they returned to their car. Miley seemed to be in a great mood, and we also ......"

"Can't be tamed is right! As if Miley Cyrus didn't have enough to worry about, now she's got a dirty doppelganger on the market. An inflatable Miley...."

"Miley Cyrus is reportedly upset over the inflatable 'adult doll' in her likeness, which sold out in 48 hours...."

"MILEY Cyrus is obsessed with cupcakes. The singer-and-actress was reportedly delighted when she came across a dessert stand backstage at the Nickelodeon...."

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