
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Latest Gossip About Kristen Stewart on 11/11/2010

"Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson board a helicopter en route to filming in Rio de Janeiro...."

"That Robert Pattinson has one busy mug -- a fashion brand wants it, and Kristen Stewart's been smooching it abroad. For starters, the "Twilight Saga" star and Stewart gave fans a thrill when photos of the two kissing in character......"

"Zac Posen/Courtesy InStyle; Inset: Summit While Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are busy heating up the set of Twilight: Breaking Dawn in Rio de Janeiro, fans back in the US...."

"Kristen Stewart will have to use some of the confidence she gained filming practically naked Welcome to the Rileys scenes to the set of The Twilight Saga: 201011...."

"The story of The Twilight Saga will be coming to you soon in comic form. Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are the faces of Fame: The Cast of 201011...."

"Kristen Stewart is an enigma of an actress. You don't know whether she's going for nauseated, mousy, or constantly stoned. In her personal life, or on screen...."

"The Breaking Dawn script does not call for nudity, despite reports...."

"Twilight's penultimate cinematic offering, "Breaking Dawn: Part I" may not be in theaters until Nov. 2011, but for Bella and Edward, the honeymoon is already underway...."

"Under the jump is some footage/video from the site of "Breaking Dawn" of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.Â...."

"Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were snapped holding hands as they left Paris from the Bourget airport. They are sure looking like the happy couple!The...."

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