
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Latest Gossip About George Clooney on 11/23/2010

"As we've previously announced, George Clooney plans to shoot his next film, The Ides of March, in Ohio and Michigan, and though we learned last week that he was scouting locations specifically in Grand Rapids, we now also know where...."

"For anyone who has gone, or is going, through menopause, you know that it's a very complicated time. Not only are we dealing with the physical changes, but many of us experience the mental anguish, too...."

"The Dish Rag figured this weekend's Golden Globes swag suites would the perfect place to ask (okay, corner) celebs who they want to replace Simon Cowell......"

"George Clooney and his Italian model girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis attended the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights 2010 Ripple of Hope awards dinner in New York City on Wednesday...."

"The "Indian George Clooney" speaks of patent reform. A Reuters report on 19 Nov 2010 begins: The White House will work with Congress on bills dealing with on patent reform, privacy and corporate taxation, said Chief Technology Officer ......"

"Marrying George Clooney: Confessions from a Midlife Crisis. Marrying George Clooney. 3:00 a.m. Musings from a Midlife Crisis. About this Entry. my car has PTSD was posted on November 22nd, 2010 at 2.45pm and is filed under Uncategorized ......"

"Renewed war in Sudan is not inevitable. A complex but workable peace can be brokered if all interested parties become more deeply involved. The current moment requires robust diplomacy...."

"According to Heat Vision, George Clooney is thinking of teaming up again with frequent collaborator Stephen Soderbergh on Man from UNCLE Clooney has met and talked with Soderbergh about playing......"

"Actor George Clooney is in talks to star in Steven Soderbergh's Man from UNCL.E film adaptation. The iconic 1960s TV Show is getting a remake...."

"George Clooney was honored for his charity work at a celebrity-studded event in New York City this week...."

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