
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Latest Gossip About Justin Bieber on 11/30/2010

"Justin Bieber - Somebody To Love & Baby - LIVE on X Factor 2010 jb bieber fever justin bieber x factor justin bieber on x factor justin bieber somebody to......"

"While promoting his third album, My Worlds Acoustic, at a Madrid record store today, Justin Bieber said he'd like to go to college...."

"The song is called Latin Girl. Check it out (above)! Thoughts???..."

"Well, at least one does! Yesterday, a massive swarm of 2600 police and army operatives seized 11 tons of marijuana and a "small arsenal" of weapons from a Brazilian drug gang. They......"

"While in Spain, Justin Bieber received a 'Golden Disk' award for his CD 'My Worlds: The Collection.' Fans in Spain were treated to Justin Bieber signing copies of 'My Worlds: The Collection' at the El Corte Ingles store in Madrid, ......"

"Justin Bieber asking his stylist to change things up can cause a seismic shift with his fans. The Biebs caused hysteria among thousands of his hair-a...."

"OMB! Justin Bieber has just released the new video for his sweet ballad, "Pray", via Facebook. Even though my favorite teenager is just 16-years-old, the video for "Pray" shows Biebz is mature beyond his years. The video follows Biebz ......"

"Justin Bieber has hired a singing coach to deal with effects from puberty. An insider says it is the same coach Usher used to deal with similar problems when he was a budding star...."

"Justin Bieber has revealed that he has been the victim of homophobic abuse – despite being straight...."

"Justin Bieber crossed the Atlantic this week and gave fans in Great Britain a treat. He performed on X Factor, as shown here...."

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