
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Latest Gossip About Oprah Winfrey on 2/17/2011

"Bill O'Reilly on Oprah Winfrey. Worth $2.3 billion, Oprah is known 'round the world for her entertainment empire: an internationally broadcast television show, two best-selling magazines, a radio program and a production company. ......"

"Michael Vick has returned to playing in the NFL after serving his time for his involvement in a dog-fighting ring, but that doesn't mean he's ready to start 201102...."

"A show spokesman said Wednesday representatives of the NFL star whose name became synonymous with dogfighting called late Tuesday to cancel his appearance for personal reasons...."

"Normally, pulling out of doing an episode of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" is a bad move. But in Michael Vick's case, it was smart. The controversial quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles who made an incredible return to the football field...."

"The controversial Philadelphia Eagles QB Michael Vick is set make an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show on February 24th. Being the polarizing figure that Vick is, Oprah has been called into ques......"

"Remember Iyanla Vanzant? Us neither -- because she never got her own show...."

"Oprah Winfrey has invited Michael Vick to be a guest on her show next week. How will she handle the interview? Why not invite some of the dogs to the show?..."

""Michael Vick was scheduled to be a guest on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' for an episode airing next Thursday, February 24," says a rep for Harpo Productions. "Mr. Vick's representatives called last night to cancel his appearance for ......"

"If Michael Vick goes missing with no trace in the next week or so, we'll just assume Oprah had him "removed" from existence. She can do that right? It turns out the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback has canceled his Oprah interview...."

"2 Comments on "Oprah Winfrey to interview Michael Vick". #1 tony on Feb 15th, 2011 at 4:06 PM. No fears of wrath from O! and her lock-step followers: it'll be an effin' love fest. The tears will flow and all will be forgiven, ......"

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