
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Latest Gossip About Oprah Winfrey on 1/20/2011

"Last night, to much fanfare and (so far) less-than-glowing reviews, "Piers Morgan Tonight" officially debuted on CNN. For the inaugural episode, the British import scored the biggest celebrity "get" of all, Oprah Winfrey herself...."

"Piers Morgan Tuesday night lost more than a third of his premiere audience as 1.3 million watched his interview with shock jock Howard Stern versus 2.1 million...."

" Oprah Winfrey thought she would "have to kill myself" when she got pregnant at age 14 and even tried to drink detergent in a desperate attempt to sabotage the ......"

"Piers Morgan is going to be quite successful on "Piers Morgan Tonight," if his interview with Oprah Winfrey is any indication...."

"Oprah Winfrey will ultimately do more for this country (tourism) than Gillard will do in her entire career.She like the moron before her are not for the people in any shape or form. Sure Oprah is over the top but that's what the ......"

"In the inaugural interview on 'Piers Morgan Tonight', which aired Monday night, talk show queen and OWN Network head Oprah Winfrey revealed she contem...."

"Piers Morgan has had numerous celebrities cry on his show. In a recent CNN show his guest Oprah Winfrey started to cry. At times in the interview Oprah Winfrey said that she could start crying but would not. ......"

"Oprah Winfrey talking with Piers Morgan about her contemplation of committing suicide...."

"Read More: Sports Media NFL Sports Business and Media Michael+Vick, Michael+Vick+bet, Oprah+Winfrey, Oprah+Winfrey+Piers+Morgan, Piers+Morgan, Piers+Morgan+Oprah+Winfrey, Piers+Morgan+Oprah+Winfrey+bet, Piers+Morgan+Tonight ......"

"Oprah Winfrey and hundreds of her most loyal fans were seen setting a world record atop the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge...."

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