
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Latest Gossip About Justin Bieber on 9/21/2010

"Take a look at your feed reader and you'll notice that your industry has its own Justin Bieber. Blogs are filled with topics and headlines that are over-played, over-talked about, and over-everything. Yet we hype them because our ......"

"Justin Bieber was locked in a serious make-out session with the chick who stars in his " Baby " music video ... but the shocking part -- it all went down…..."

"Justin Bieber sang for his fans at Hooters in Canada...."

"Bieber fever will hit CSI when the teen sensation shows up as Jason, a troubled teen with an allegedly explosive brother...."

"This is a historic night! Currently, #getsomejustin is a trending topic on Twitter: It's the first Twitter trend started by Justin Bieber fans with the express intent of tormenting Justin Bieber. The Bieberacolypse has begun...."

"Justin Bieber made an impromptu appearance at a Canadian Hooters Saturday because he's a raging pile of hormones combined with a millionaire and probably gets a...."

"West Edmonton, Canada; September 18. Image via Splash.]..."

"Justin Bieber has been spotted locking lips with his co-star in his music video for single Baby...."

"Steve Jobs has allegedly sent another scandalous email, antagonizing a college student. The email could be real or falsified—there's really no way to tell. But one thing is for sure: Steve Jobs has become the kind of cultural lightning ......"

"Justin Bieber Caught Kissing New Girlfriend. images: tmz. Looks to me like they are doing a lot more than touring together! The pair was caught kissing, groping… and what exactly is she doing in his lap anyways? ......"

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